In previous posts, I have discussed the challenges surrounding Explainable AI, AI Alignment, and the reality of how far we are from achieving Artificial General Intelligence (AGI). I particularly like the concept of Augmented Intelligence and the immense potential it
Embarking on an AI transformation Journey
But the goal of data science is not to execute. Rather, the goal is to learn and develop profound new business capabilities. Algorithmic products and services like recommendations systems, client engagement bandits, style preference classification, size matching, fashion design systems,
Data Strategy for Building Defensible Moats
In today’s data-driven world, data has become the lifeblood of many successful organizations. Building Data-Centric AI solutions means that data strategy needs to be front, right and center. For most organizations, storing, analyzing, and deriving accurate insights from massive
Navigating the AI Revolution: Building Long-term Strategies and Defensible Moats
"But the goal of data science is not to execute. Rather, the goal is to learn and develop profound new business capabilities. Algorithmic products and services like recommendations systems, client engagement bandits, style preference classification, size matching, fashion design
Managing and Organising AI Talent
In spite of its potential, executing and achieving success in machine learning and AI projects can prove to be quite challenging. Frequently, even the most diligent efforts can be hindered by uncertainties surrounding a rapidly evolving technical landscape, perplexity about
How Innovation works?
According to the OECD, a significant positive correlation exists between a country’s R&D expenditure and its economic growth rate. Economists have often argued that Innovation typically leads to the development of new technologies or processes that increase
MLOps and Data Management
Data is tricky to manage once the operations scale. It can grow exponentially, coming in from new sources, and becoming more diverse, which makes it increasingly challenging to process and find insights. Mature organizations like Google, Airbnb and Uber have
Is Machine learning the right tool for your problem?
In recent years, a specific area within the field of artificial intelligence known as machine learning has successfully emulated various aspects of human intellect. Machine learning-based computer programs have demonstrated their prowess by outperforming world champions in games like chess