Fixing the Broken Education System

Purpose of Education Education is about skills and (exposure to) ideas. The MIT way of education is to build models. In all departments the default approach is to build models that allow us to understand the world and control the

Explainable AI and AI-Alignment

It is increasingly becoming important that AI-based decision support systems (which leverage machine learning methods) must be able to explain the reasoning behind their decisions, recommendations, predictions, or actions taken. Explainability is not just a nice-to-have property but is also

Digital Tranformation of Healthcare

For the past several decades the healthcare industry has been relying on manual paper-based methods for information management. Now we are entering a new era of automatic patient monitoring, smart hospitals and smart homes where services based on cloud computing

AGI: When will we get there ?

THE SCIENTIFIC method was perhaps the single most important development in modern history. It established a way to validate truth at a time when misinformation was the norm, allowing natural philosophers to navigate the unknown. From predicting the motions of